Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Moving to Södermalm

Last Saturday was the Big Moving Day. M. and I moved to our first "together" apartment. It is situated in Södermalm, nowadays a part of Stockholm where all real hipsters live, but in the past it was the area where so called working class used to live. 

We haven´t had time to explore the neighborhood yet, but hopefully all the snow will melt soon, days will become longer and we will be strolling along the water enjoying the sunsets. 

I am starting my Swedish classes at the university next week and this Friday I am going to take my first Bikram yoga class here in Stockholm. 

Minulú sobotu bol Veľký Sťahovací Deň. M a ja sme sa presťahovali do nášho prvého spoločného bytu. Nachádza sa v štvrti Södermalm, ktorá je v súčasnosti štvrťou všetkých pravých hipsterov. V minulosti však bola štvrťou takzvanej robotníckej triedy. 

Ešte sme nemali čas preskúmať okolie, ale dúfajme, že už čoskoro sa roztopí sneh a dni začnú byť dlhšie a my sa budeme prechádzať okolo jazierok vychutnávajúc si západ slnka. 

Budúci týždeň mi začína kurz švédštiny na univerzite a tento piatok idem na svoju prvú Bikram yoga hodinu tu v Štockholme. 

Here we are/ tu sme

First evening and first visit - M´s brothers came to visit us. We treated them to Slovak Slivovica and Austrian Mozart Kugeln// Prvý večer a prvá návšteva. M. bratia nás prišli pozrieť a pohostili sme ich ako sa patrí slovenskou slivovovicou a rakúskymi mozartovými guľami.

Moving dinner - Czech restaurant Švejk in Stockholm and M. eating vepro-knedlo-zelo

Mikael was cooking//Mikael varil

Study and dining room/ študovňa a jedáleň

Swedish café class// precvičovanie konvezácií v švédštine

our kitchen/ kuchynka// and tumbler from my Korean friends (thank you - your tumblers are very practical in this cold weather, I love them!!!)

Fruit and vegetables are quite expensive in Sweden and I noticed that Swedes like to exhibit them  :) So while I was unpacking our groceries, M asked me to put some nice pieces to the blue bowl on the window sill :) // Ovocie a zelenina sú tu celkom drahé a preto si ich Švédi radi vystavujú. Ako som vybalovaľa náš nedeľný nákup tak mi M. vraví, ale daj pár kúskov aj do misy na parapete, dobre? Dobre. 

Livingroom + bedroom/ obývačka a spálňa

cozy evening with salty almonds ice-cream// večerná pohoda so zmrzkou s príchuťou slané mandle

Mikael in his office at 9pm// Mikael v práci o 9tej večer




  1. Hey Schatzi,
    Your appartment looks nice and cozy. Wishing you and M a lot of happiness in your first new home together!
    Found this on pinterest (obsessed with pinterest right now!) for you:
    Kisses and hugs

    1. Hej Schatzi,

      you are right, we also really like our apartment. Already the first day we felt at home here. Thanks for the link :) I am also excited about having a balcony and I am planning to turn it into a little "garden" in the spring :) My grandfather had a greenhouse where I spent a lot of time as a kid, so I hope I inherited some of his "gardening genes" :) How are things in SA?

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