Friday, 23 January 2015

Being a student again

Tomorrow it will be a week I arrived in Sweden. On Monday there was an introduction day for all international students. It was funny because I met there quite a few German speaking fellow students. So my fear that I will forget my German melted.

On Tuesday was my first real school and I have to say we started quite rashly. I was supposed to read first 170 pages in my super thick book about Education and Development but the truth is that I managed to read first 10 and understood maybe 50% of it. I will see how I can fight with the rest of the readings before falling irretrievably behind.

My course-mates were super friendly and welcoming. We are like 50 people in the program and each of us comes from a different country. There are guys from Cambodia, China, Japan, France, Germany, Belgium, Korea, England, Colombia, Kurdistan, Bulgaria etc... simply from everywhere :) And that super-duper great cause I can learn many new things about different cultures.

Tomorrow we are finally moving to our first "together" flat with M. We will live in Sodermalm, just ca 300 m to the water what will be great in the summer. But that is still long time to come. At the moment we are facing daily snowfalls and minus temperatures. Everything is white and slippery, so slippery that I managed to end up on my bottom on my way back home today.

Zajtra to bude týždeň čo som sa presťahovala do Švédska. V pondelok som bola na Introduction Day pre zahraničných študentov. Bolo to celkom zábavné pretože som stretla celkom veľa nemecky hovoriacich spoluštudentov, čiže môje obavy, že čoskoro zabudnem nemčinu sa rozplynuli.

V utorok bol môj prvý naozajtstný školský deň a musím povedať, že sme začali celkom zhurta. Na prvú prednášku som mala mať prečítaných 170 strán zo super ťažkej knihy. Pravdou však je, že som zvládla prečítať prvých 10 stán a porozumela asi 50% z toho. Uvidíme ako sa mi podarí vysporiadať sa so zvyškom predtým ako nenávratne zaostanem.

Moji spolužiaci ma privítali veľmi priateľsky. Je nás asi 50 a každý je z inej krajiny. Napr. Kambodža, Čína, Japonsko, Francúzsko, Nemecko, Belgicko, Kórea, Anglicko, Kolumbia, Kurdistan, Bulharsko atď, jednoducho z kade tade. A to je skvelé, pretože sa isto dozviem veľa zaujímavostí o rozličných kultúrach.

Zajtra sa konečne sťahujeme do našeho prvého spoločneho bytu s M. Bývať budeme v Sodermalme, iba asi 300 m. od vody, čo bude super v lete. To však stále vyzerá v nedohľadne, keďže v tomto momente čelíme každodenným snehovým zrážkam a všetko je biele, ale zároveň aj šmyklavé. Až tak, že sa mi dnes podarilo pristáť na zadku na ceste domov.

child skiing through the streets of Stockholm// lyžiar

this is how it looks at 7.30am and 4pm again/ takto to vyzera 7.30 ráno

na ceste zo školy

at the Uni Campus

this is how it ends when a Cambodian guy sees snow

evening walk/večerná prechádzka

v pozadí sa sánkuje otec a syn/ sledging 


1 comment:

  1. Hello Schatzi!

    So you've turned into Queen Elsa?

    Beautiful photos, the last one with the red house is exactly how I picture Scandinavia (Sorry for putting Sweden in the same boat as the others... I know they all have a distinct awesome culture!).

    Looking forward to seing your 4am/11pm photo this summer!

    Good luck with your readings. Don't give up. After a while you'll get used/be familiar with the terminology of your field and you'll find that it's going a lot faster. I found that often with the readings what is important is to get the general idea/message. Lecturers/professors will point out the important details if any. So no need to read carefully each word of those 170 pages!

    Take care!
